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Displaying items by tag: singing

Friday, 02 November 2018 00:22

Raising voices for the voiceless

This winter cathedrals, churches, schools and community projects around the country are hosting choir concerts and carol services and raising their voices for the voiceless. There will be a huge number of amazing events, everything from sing-along spectaculars to classical choral concerts to bucket-bearing buskers, to help transform lives and communities. They will be raising money for the Church Urban Fund; a social action charity working in local communities throughout England to tackle injustice and poverty including modern slavery, the voiceless and powerless, in need of help and support. Gifts will aid work with asylum-seekers, homeless people, families facing food poverty and financial exclusion, and those feeling they are on the edge, isolated and lonely. Recruiting for and organising these events is going on now.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 02 February 2018 09:12

Salvation Army - living with dementia

The Salvation Army has launched a dynamic programme for people with dementia which uses singing to help them connect with others and bring back memories. The scheme, called Singing By Heart, uses a mix of popular hymns such as 'Joy in my Heart' and popular songs like 'Moon River'. Each song (which begins with a Bible passage and finishes with a prayer) has been carefully selected to ensure it is fondly recognised by the people in the groups. It is widely acknowledged that music can trigger past memories and feelings in those living with dementia. The sessions are designed to encourage communication, recollection of memories, and happy thoughts for those taking part. It is also hoped they will benefit carers by giving them time to relax, make friends, and share experiences.

Published in British Isles