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Displaying items by tag: shale gas

Thursday, 10 March 2022 21:11

MPs ask PM to reverse fracking ban

A letter to the PM, signed by 34 MPs and five peers, claims that pressing ahead with the fracking ban would play into the hands of the Kremlin, which they say wants to ‘stop us following this path to energy independence’. Energy company Cuadrilla is due to concrete over its two wells in Lancashire on 15 March, as ordered by the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA). The MPs’ letter to Mr Johnson stated, ‘We urge you to pause and review this decision. At a time of such geopolitical strife, we cannot refrain from actions that would improve the position of the UK and its allies. We have seen how a reliance on imported gas affects the responses of other countries during the initial stages of Russian aggression.’ OGA replied, ‘Fracking causes earthquakes, is hated by neighbourhoods, would take a decade to kick-start, and won’t lower the price’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 February 2019 00:26

Fracking: larger earthquakes?

Fracking company Cuadrilla has requested an urgent review of existing earthquake safety levels, hoping that the permission to generate larger tremors will allow them to extract greater quantities of shale gas from Lancashire. Currently they must suspend drilling when quakes measuring over 0.5 magnitude are detected. Although numerous legal challenges and protests were not enough to prevent the company from beginning exploratory drilling at Preston last year, it is now the government’s ‘traffic light system’ for seismic activity which the industry appears to consider the greatest threat to its survival. There is a ‘rich reservoir of recoverable high quality natural gas present’, but the seismic operating limit remains a barrier to developing its potential. David Attenborough and others believe that the Government should stop wasting time on this polluting industry and back the clean energy infrastructure needed to tackle climate change.

Published in British Isles