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Displaying items by tag: sex trafficking

Friday, 17 June 2022 10:35

Predators caught and convicted

Praise God for the conviction of an Australian man who was found guilty of online sexual exploitation of children. He has been sentenced to 14.5 years in jail after paying almost a half a million dollars to exploit Filipino children sexually online. Please continue to pray for the fifteen victims rescued in this case, and that his conviction will bring them peace and comfort as they continue the road of healing. Meanwhile in India, a sex trafficker was sentenced to seven years in prison for exploiting women and girls, and a brothel was permanently closed in Mumbai, releasing the survivors of sex trafficking who are now receiving rehabilitation at an aftercare shelter.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 10 September 2021 04:33

Romania: Catching sex traffickers

Praise God that in Romania the International Justice Mission (IJM) workers have seen many answers to their prayers. Specifically - IJM Romania has been receiving an increase in referrals from law enforcement. Training conducted by IJM has been a great success with positive feedback from police and prosecutor participants. There are continued strong and engaged partnerships between IJM Romania and the Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Justice, police, prosecution offices and the Anti-Trafficking Agency. IJM Romania and the Orthodox Church have seen good progress in their collaboration. Please continue to pray for their work with churches, including engagement with the Evangelical and Catholic Churches and for more fruit to come from partnerships with public justice agencies.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 14 May 2020 21:19

Unsafe in lockdown - child sex trafficking

Any child sold for sex is a victim of sex trafficking. Since 2006, IJM South Asia has rescued 1000+ survivors from sex trafficking, seen over 500 criminals restrained and trained over 30,000 police, government officials, and NGOs. Sex trafficking survivors have described being beaten and forcibly injected with narcotics. This is continuing during lockdown. There is particular concern about the rise of online sexual exploitation of children during the pandemic. It is highly possible that seasoned human trafficking criminals will exploit the current situation. Please pray against this increased exploitation. Pray also for safety and security for the survivors of sex trafficking now thriving and living independently; many are now unable to work in lockdown and risk falling back into desperate poverty. Pray that IJM can maintain contact with these survivors in their network, and provide what is needed to keep them safe.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 13 December 2019 09:22

Women rescued

After raiding fifteen sites in Luton, police found eleven Romanian and Hungarian women in their twenties, speaking little or no English, believed to be victims of sexual exploitation. Eight men were arrested and charged with managing and controlling brothels and money laundering. The raids were led by 150 police officers and specialist staff, who also seized substantial amounts of cash. Women are offered contracts to come here to work in a proper job, but ‘unfortunately that is not the case’. Inspector Jim Goldsmith said that there has been a dramatic rise over recent months in off-street sex trade in Luton where numerous brothels have opened. ‘We try to keep these women as safe as we can after rescue, and that was the purpose of these raids - to take them out of that environment, give them the opportunity to exit that life, and get them back to their families.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:19

North Korea / China: sex trade trafficking

China’s president Xi Jinping visited North Korea on 20/21 June. It is the first visit by a Chinese president in over a decade. While the world ponders Korea’s denuclearisation issue, the plight of trafficked victims from North Korea to China is being ignored. Women and girls from the reclusive state are being taken to China and forced to work as prostitutes or sold as brides, and Beijing is doing little to stop it. Fleeing a patriarchal regime of tyranny and poverty, they are passed through the hands of traffickers, brokers, and criminal organisations before being pulled into China’s sex trade. Pray for sexual slavery and trafficking to be topics of conversation  between Xi and Kim. Xi is also expected to attend the G20 summit in Osaka the following week. Pray for a positive meeting between him and Donad Trump there.

Published in Worldwide

WHAT YOU MUST KNOW! Jaco Booyens On SkyWatch On Why Sex Trafficking Is Bigger Than Most Comprehend.

Every year, more than 3.2 million children in America are sex-trafficked, abused, abandoned, or neglected. Children as young as 9 years old are being bought and sold for sex in America with the average age of young girls being 13.

In addition to trafficking, one in seven Americans are sexually abused as children.

Tragically, 1,500 to 2,000 children die each year at the hands of those who are supposed to be their caretakers. And the remainder are often (sadly) disregarded or experience a combination of these abuses.

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUSAg66nwEw

YOU CAN HELP! PLEASE VISIT: https://www.skywatchtv.com/2019/05/02

Child Trafficking Victims:

  • Child trafficking victims, like other child victims, come from many backgrounds and include both boys and girls across a wide range of ages.
  • Children are trafficked to the U.S. from all regions of the world and represent a variety of different races, ethnic groups and religions.
  • They may be brought to the U.S. legally or smuggled in.
  • Internationally trafficked children, especially adolescents, may be lured overseas to the U.S. through the promise of work or school and the opportunity to send money back to their families.
  • Children are also vulnerable to kidnappers, pimps, and professional brokers.
  • Some children are sold to traffickers by their families, who may or may not have an understanding of what will happen to the child.
  • U.S. citizen children may also be trafficked within the U.S., and come from multiple racial groups and socio-economic backgrounds.

Click the link to read the Needs of Rescued Trafficking Victims: https://arkofhopeforchildren.org/child-trafficking/what-rescued-child-sex-trafficking-victims-need

Pray: for more resources for the police and authorities tasked with apprehending the traffickers and rescuing the victims.

Pray: for the male and female victims – for physical healing and the healing of memories.
Pray: for the non-profit agencies working with the victims of all ages.

Thursday, 12 July 2018 22:49

Voodoo nurse guilty of sex trafficking

A London-based nurse has been convicted of trafficking five Nigerian women into Germany to work as prostitutes after subjecting them to ‘voodoo’ rituals. Josephine Lyamu forced them to swear oaths to hand over money to her during ‘juju’ ceremonies. Praise God for the successful prosecution. The women had been psychologically manipulated and financially exploited, as well as sexually abused. This is the first conviction under the Modern Slavery Act, passed in 2015. See also the IJM prayer requests in the ‘World’ section.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 30 June 2017 15:16

Two rescues from trafficking

Recently, after an anonymous tip-off, anti-trafficking authorities in the Dominican Republic, working in cooperation with International Justice Mission (IJM), found two young girls and their mother - who was exploiting them - in a crime-ridden and impoverished neighbourhood in Santo Domingo. The mother was arrested, and IJM social workers are working to ensure that the girls will recover from the trauma they endured. In another story, in South Asia, IJM and police had been investigating a sex trafficking network for over a year. On 25 June the team successfully rescued two young girls from a private brothel and arrested four suspects. Please pray for follow-up on the legal case, and pray for comfort and healing for these girls as they settle into a loving aftercare programme.

Published in Praise Reports