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Displaying items by tag: senseless shootings

Thursday, 27 April 2023 21:38

USA: senseless shootings

Ralph was shot twice after he knocked on the door of the wrong home to collect his younger brothers. Doctors expressed shock that he survived. He has speech problems and has a long road to recovery. A six-year-old was shot after a basketball rolled into a man's yard. When she went to retrieve it, the man aggressively shouted at her. A father went to him complaining, ‘It was an accident’. The man got his gun and fired at neighbours. The girl had bullet fragments in her cheek. Her parents were also shot. Payton tried to enter the wrong vehicle in a car park and was shot. Kaylin was killed after driving down the wrong driveway. Every day about 50 people die and about 100 are injured from shootings. 12,719 people have died so far this year in gun violence. Since 13 April, when Ralph visited the wrong house, there have been 845 shooting incidents.

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