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Displaying items by tag: seeking peace

Friday, 30 June 2017 14:49

Syria: a move towards future stability

A civil council, which is expected to rule Raqqa once IS is dislodged from the Syrian city, pardoned 83 of the jihadist group's low-ranking militants recently as a goodwill gesture designed to promote stability. They were transported to the Raqqa city HQ, in an amnesty coinciding with Eid-ul-Fitr. The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces predict that Raqqa could fall within months. ‘We would never release senior Daesh officials or anyone who has blood on their hands’, senior council member Omar Aloush told Reuters. ‘We are giving these men a second chance.’ Abdel Rahman Kalas, 43, worked in the IS department that imposed taxes on citizens. ‘I have seven children’, he said, as former militants walked away after the ceremony to face the uncertainty that hangs over the city. ‘I had no choice but to cooperate. They paid me $115 a month.’

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