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Displaying items by tag: secular

Operation World reports that as Europe becomes less religious and more secular, a non-religious worldview or a mixed spirituality dominates many people's belief systems. Christians decline in number, and the rate of decline increases each year. Many who are considered Christian do not practise their faith, and less than 10% of Europeans regularly attend church.’ The French are no exception; they say, ‘I can only depend on myself’ and, ‘I can’t trust others to watch out for me.’ Système D is a very well-known concept in France: it comes from the verb ‘se débrouiller’ which, though it doesn’t have a good English equivalent, means to figure out your way through (or around) an obstacle or a complicated situation. If you are using Système D, you are using your own resources, your own wits, your own strength to get through life. See Also, read more:

Published in Europe