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Displaying items by tag: rise in homeless deaths

Thursday, 17 October 2019 22:05

Record rise in homeless deaths

On 27 June we reported that Scotland’s homeless status was up by 3% on the previous year. Four months later another report stated the number of deaths of homeless people in England and Wales had risen by 22% - nearly two a day. The number of deaths related to drug poisoning has risen by 55% since 2017, compared to 16% of the population as a whole. Homeless families living permanently in office blocks, and homelessness among old people soared by 39%. There are an undisclosed number of empty houses in England despite a homelessness crisis. The majority of known deaths (641) were of men. Shelter said, ‘This is a moment to pause and reflect on what matters to us as a society. These tragic deaths are the consequence of a housing system and economy that is failing too many of our fellow citizens.’

Published in British Isles