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Displaying items by tag: revenge

Thursday, 04 March 2021 20:02

USA: Trump back in politics

Former president Donald Trump returned to the spotlight at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference. He stated, ‘The Republican Party is going to unite and be stronger than ever before. I am not starting a new party.’ He focused much of his speech on criticising the first few weeks of President Biden's administration, making it clear he wants a leading role in the GOP in future. With the 2022 midterms just around the corner, he wants Democrats defeated, also each GOP lawmaker who voted for his impeachment.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 16 November 2018 00:04

Australia: needles in fruit

On 13 November Clare Bonser, a make-up artist with ABC News Breakfast, was driving when she casually bit into her pear. She happened to look down before taking the next bite and spotted a needle, so that she avoided injury. Two days earlier, a Vietnamese woman was arrested and charged with seven incidents of contaminating strawberries with needles in Queensland. She had acted out of ‘spite or revenge’ against her Australian ex-boss at a Woolworths store. This was a massive hit to Australia’s strawberry industry, as many brands had to get rid of their stock way before the end of season due to reports of needles being found in the red fruits. Up to 230 incidents have been reported nationwide.

Published in Worldwide