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Displaying items by tag: reforms

The Renters' Rights Bill, appearing in Parliament on 12 September, aims to provide the most significant shift in tenant-landlord relations since 1988. It will ban ‘no-fault’ evictions, a leading cause of homelessness, replacing them with Section 8, which allows evictions for valid reasons like unpaid rent or a landlord’s need to reclaim the property. The bill will also include longer eviction notice periods and extend an eviction-free protected period at the start of tenancies. It will target the skyrocketing cost of private renting by empowering tenants to challenge unfair rent increases and banning rental bidding wars. It will also apply the Decent Homes Standard to private rentals, ensuring that landlords maintain safe, hazard-free homes. Additionally, renters will gain the right to keep pets, and discrimination against tenants on benefits or with children will be outlawed. Both landlord and renter advocacy groups have supported aspects of the bill, though concerns remain about enforcement and local council resources.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 01 September 2017 10:42

France: Macron’s test on labour reforms

France has an unemployment rate of 9.5%, double that of the other big European economies, and President Macron has vowed to cut it to 7% by 2022. The country's unwieldy labour code, 3,000 pages long, is a straitjacket for business. Macron's popularity has plummeted recently as he begins his drive to overhaul the rigid labour laws, giving the details first to the unions and bosses' organisations and later to the public. He promised a ‘revolution’ to free up the energy of the workforce, making it easier for bosses to hire and fire. Protests against the plan, spearheaded by the far left, are expected on 12 September, but two of the biggest unions will not take part.

Published in Europe