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Displaying items by tag: prayers of blessing

The CofE's General Synod has voted to offer blessings to same-sex couples in civil partnerships and marriages, marking a significant shift in its approach to LGBTQI+ issues. After a marathon debate, the Synod overwhelmingly approved the motion, which includes an acknowledgement and repentance for the Church's failure to adequately welcome LGBTQI+ people. This decision, however, does not alter the CofE's stance on gay marriage, as same-sex couples still cannot marry in church. Anglican churches will now be allowed to provide prayers of dedication or thanksgiving and blessings for same-sex couples after their legal marriage ceremonies. The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, described the vote as a hopeful moment for the Church, but Archbishop Stephen Cottrell recognised the persistent divisions, emphasising the goal of walking together despite deep disagreements.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 09 February 2023 23:57

CofE to bless same-sex couples

The Church of England has backed proposals to allow prayers of blessing for same sex couples. Its position on gay marriage will not change, and same-sex couples will still be unable to marry in church. The plans, set out by bishops last month, have been criticised both by those who think they go too far and those who think they don’t go far enough: but the motion was passed in all three of synod's 'houses'. Priests will be allowed to bless gay couples, but can opt out: the first blessings could be in the summer. The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, said the Church was ‘in a better place’ as a result of the vote. However, he and the Archbishop of Canterbury acknowledged that ‘deep differences’ remained. The CofE Evangelical Council said it was ‘deeply saddened and profoundly grieved’ by the move. A spokesman said, ‘The Church of England now appears set on a course of action that rejects our historic and biblical understanding of sex and marriage. This seems to us to be a lose-lose position for everyone.’

Published in British Isles