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Displaying items by tag: prayer for the nation

Thursday, 03 February 2022 21:17

Prayer for the UK

‘Father, when we look at all that is going on around us today, it would be so easy to pray according to how the media lead us, or how our own reasoning would have us intercede. Lord, please give us Your perspective when we watch and pray over challenges in our politics and the UK's participation in international affairs. Lord God, we, along with the rest of the nations, continue to face the Covid crisis and its derivatives. May You bring about your kingdom's purposes through this season of sickness and uncertainty. Finally, Father, our communities need to be powerfully reached for Christ; alert us to the pitfalls of self-made agendas that don’t have Your anointing. Wake us up to Your power living in us, and grow us up in the fivefold ministries, so that we produce a harvest of kingdom fruit. In 2022 may Your church walk powerfully in your purposes.‘

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:10

Pray for the Solomon Islands

Ethnic diversity across six islands creates a divided society across tribes with different languages, cultures and political groups that inhibit Christian work. Denominations divide along tribal lines. Nominalism is a problem even though the islands are ‘Christian’. The Church has stagnated; a proper enculturation of the gospel would go a long way in overcoming this. Two different Islamic groups are making inroads on the Baha'i, Jehovah's Witnesses and Unification Church. Counterfeit Christian movements and quasi-Christian cults have also grown, and the old animistic worldview persists in some areas. Many Christians, even committed believers, drift from one group to the next, since most groups compete for members. A new awakening is needed. Pray for the Spirit to reinvigorate the many churches which possess such a strong spiritual heritage. Ministry to young people is vital, due to rapid population growth and the many young nominal Christians who need discipleship.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:56

Dramatic examples of answered prayer

In order to increase the number of people praying for the nation, the Wartime Miracles leaflet has been posted to 25,000 UK churches. In an easy-to-read format, this leaflet helps Christians to intercede with a greater faith by giving examples of dramatic deliverances the Lord gave in answer to prayer during the Second World War. For example, many Christians today are not aware that the English Channel became like a millpond 24 hours after a national prayer day was held on 26 May 1940. It was this calm which enabled little boats to rescue large numbers of soldiers from the Dunkirk area.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 11 January 2019 12:04

Praying for Britain

Our country is in crisis. Our whole future is in question. Britain - once a Godly nation - has now turned away from God. Brexit and the authority of the Bible have divided church and state. You are invited to a Day of Prayer on 26 January at the SSE Arena, Wembley. We can change Britain through the power of united prayer. Intercessions will be led by David Hathaway, Clifford Hill, Rev Betty King, Andrea Williams, Lou Engle, Bishop John Francis, Pastor Nims Obunge, Rachel Hickson, Rev Yemi Adedeji, Pastor Tobi Adeboyega, James Aladiran, Apostle Elijah Chanak, and others. For information and tickets click the ‘More’ button. For other upcoming events, including prayer and fasting from 14 to 16 January for the Brexit vote in Parliament on the 15th, go to

Published in British Isles
Friday, 26 October 2018 00:19

Praying for the nation

These are crucial days, and God is stirring His church. As previously reported (see ), the Pray for Scotland network has introduced a 24-hour prayer rota for churches to sign up and commit to pray for unity on 30 November (St Andrew’s Day). Across the nation, spontaneous days of prayer have been happening recently. No one knows what the Brexit outcome will be - but we know the One who has the answer! This is not a time to wait until the storm blows over. It is a time to battle for our nation - on our knees,crying out for His forgiveness and mercy and calling forth a fresh move of His Spirit to revive His Church and transform our communities.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 July 2018 22:46

For the nation and all in authority

A 19th-century prayer from Rev H Stobart: ‘O God, our refuge and strength, who orders all things in heaven and earth, look down with your mercy upon us as a nation. Remember not our iniquities, nor the iniquities of our forefathers, neither take vengeance on our sins. Pour out upon us, and on all the people of this land, the spirit of grace and supplication, and join us together in piety, loyalty, and brotherly love. Direct the counsels and strengthen the hands of all in authority for the repression of crime and outrage, the maintenance of order and law, and of public peace and safety; so that, leading quiet lives in all godliness and honesty, we may be your people and You may be our God; and that we may bless and glorify You, our Defender and Deliverer; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.’

Published in British Isles