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Displaying items by tag: political change

Saturday, 29 February 2020 04:10

Prayers for Malaysia’s political turmoil

Malaysia, a beautiful nation in SE Asia, is in political crisis as the government coalition came apart on 22nd February weekend. The King has interviewed Members of Parliament to find out where they stand and consider whether to call a snap election to form a new government.  

Concerns are that it could open the back door for the old, oppressively corrupt regime to come back to power.  The timeline of this developing situation to date is summarised in this graphic.
As we go to print, we are hearing that Malaysia's Parliament will not hold a special session on Monday 2nd March to decide the next prime minister, the country's monarch announced, a day after interim Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said the legislative body would do so.

The king made the declaration on Friday, as Mahathir's own party, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, made a surprise announcement that it has nominated party president, Muhyiddin Yassin, as its candidate for prime minister.

With the latest development on Friday, it is now unclear what role the 94-year-old Mahathir would play as chairman of the party, also known as Bersatu. Earlier, the party had said that it wants Mahathir to continue as prime minister.

On Thursday, Mahathir had announced that there will be a special session of parliament on March 2 to select the new prime minister.  He also said that if there is enough support for him, he will stay on as prime minister.

But the announcement on Thursday angered his former coalition allies, led by Anwar Ibrahim, who said it was inappropriate for him to pre-empt a decision by the king, whose powers would be challenged by a vote in parliament. The coalition had earlier nominated Anwar as prime minister.

On Friday, the parliament speaker, Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof, also contradicted Mahathir, saying that a special session can only be declared through an official decree by the king.

Please pray with our brothers and sisters in Christ there that the King will do the right thing, that the nation will be protected from corrupt rulers returning, and that a new government coalition will be formed that is representative of the diverse racial groups of the nation and broadly accepted to take the nation forward for the good of all.

Here are a few prayers from local believers:

In the Name of Jesus, we declare that the government of Malaysia will rest on the shoulders of our Lord Jesus Christ! And His name will be called:
Malaysia’s Wonderful Counsellor, Malaysia’s Mighty God, Malaysia’s Eternal Father, Malaysia’s Prince of Peace!
There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace over our nation.
Jesus Christ is enthroned forever, among us, to restore sound leadership that cannot be perverted or shaken.
He will ensure justice without fail and absolute equity. Always.
The intense passion of the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, will carry this to completion. (Isa.9:6-7)

Father God, we declare Your Word over Malaysia:
Blessed are those of our politicians who follow God’s ways, who won’t walk in step with the wicked nor share the
sinner’s way, nor be found sitting in the scorner’s seat. (Ps.1:1)
Blessed are those of our politicians who act with justice, love to show mercy and are humble as they live in the sight of God. (Micah 6:8)
The godly politicians in our land are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. (Ps.1:3)

Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:38

Asia and Africa: change and conflict

In Algeria and Sudan, peaceful protesters are continuing to demand genuine change, but the military - the most powerful institution in both countries - resist the calls. Both countries know that ousting an authoritarian leader is no guarantee of reform. In each case, Christian communities have added their voices to the calls for greater democracy and transparency. In the Holy Land, recent violence saw Islamic militants from Gaza launch 600+ rockets into Israel, and Israel responding with a heavy bombardment. Both sides eventually agreed a ceasefire, which is currently holding, but the UN envoy to the Middle East warned on 13 May that the risk of another war ‘remains imminent’. Half the Christian population has returned to Iraq following the collapse of IS, but they are returning to broken towns and Iran-backed militias in the Nineveh area. The search for peace, good governance, fairness, justice and dignity continues.

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