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Displaying items by tag: plans for year ahead

Thursday, 04 March 2021 20:53

Budget plans for the year ahead

Rishi Sunak has set out tax and spending plans to help business and people through the pandemic and support long-term economic recovery. Although the economy shrank by 10% in 2020, it is forecast to rebound in 2021, with projected growth of 4% and a return to pre-Covid levels by the middle of 2022. Pray that these projections will be met or exceeded, and the Government’s actions will fulfil the promises of recovery for those remaining on furlough. Pray for easy access to the promised increased Working Tax Credit and Universal Credit for those in need. May the budget bring relief to the 700,000 unemployed. We can thank Him for £1.65bn to support vaccination rollout and £19m for domestic violence programmes and networks of respite rooms for homeless women. However, the shock of coronavirus on our economy won't be fixed overnight. May God give our Government wise strategies progressively to reduce debt.

Published in British Isles