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Displaying items by tag: new leader

Thursday, 30 March 2023 22:29

Scotland: new SNP leader

New SNP leader Humza Yousaf has said that despite his battles with the UK government he will work with them and other devolved nations constructively. Rishi Sunak congratulated Nicola Sturgeon's successor, saying they should both focus on ‘issues that matter to people’, like reducing inflation, rather than Scottish independence. Yousaf told his party, ‘Now it is time for the SNP to come together and deliver independence.’ He paid tribute to his rivals, finance secretary Forbes and former minister Regan, saying, ‘I know collectively we will continue to work hard as part of Team SNP’. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-scotland-65086830 Mr Yousaf had been health secretary, so is aware of the mammoth need to fix health and social care problems. 600,000+ are on a waiting list; A&E departments are regularly full. One in six hospital patients cannot get out, despite being ready to be discharged.

Published in British Isles

John Lee replaced Carrie Lam as Hong Kong's leader after a closed voting process in which he was the sole candidate. His appointment is seen as China’s move to tighten its grip on the city. Mr Lee, a staunch Beijing supporter, oversaw the violent crackdowns on pro-democracy protestors in 2019. He was intensely criticised for sanctioning police use of water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas and live ammunition to disperse protestors. In 2020, he backed a controversial national security law which criminalised most forms of political protest and opposition and reduced the city's self-government. He maintained that ‘the law would help restore stability from chaos’. His staunch support of Beijing's policies has stoked fears that his leadership will usher in an era of tighter Chinese oversight of the semi-autonomous region. China persecutes Christians, and on 11 May Hong Kong's national security police arrested Cardinal Joseph Zen and four others who ran a now-disbanded humanitarian fund for protesters: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:41

Intercessor Focus: new leader

Lord, you moved the heart of Cyrus, even though he did not know you, to do your will for the sake of the nation (2 Chron. 36:22). You changed Saul’s heart and used him to fulfil your purposes (Acts 9:4). The UK has a new prime minister. We pray that you will enable Boris Johnson to stride into your Kingdom purposes with every decision he makes. We ask You, Father, to use his strong intellect to take us on the Brexit journey and also to inject your purposes into education, the NHS, social services, police, military, commerce and industry; bringing them back onto the paths of mercy and moral laws. Father please open his mind to Your strategies for the coming months. May he lead this nation into restoration and renewal. Surround him with wise advisers who have Your vision and anointing to meet the needs of society through Brexit transitions to achieve a ‘breakthrough’ in the Irish border blockage.

Published in British Isles