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Displaying items by tag: new academic year

Thursday, 30 August 2018 22:53

Intercessor Focus: students

September means a new school term. Please remember the thousands of five-year-olds going to primary school for the first time, particularly the fearful, or those panicking as they face an unfamiliar environment. Pray for their parents watching them go (and letting them go). There will also be 11-year-olds anticipating entering secondary education; pray for their peace of mind in the first few weeks of changes and more serious studies. Pray for God to watch over the 16- to 18-year-olds as they study for A Levels. Also remember those entering university and striking out on their own for the first time, experiencing new places, new activities and new people. Pray for effective Christian witness during ‘freshers weeks’. Ask God to inspire Christian youths and young adults in their choices of friendships and activities. Please pray for young people starting voluntary gap placements, particularly those serving in mission agencies at home and abroad. (Linda Digby – Prayer Alert Team)

Published in British Isles