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Displaying items by tag: multiculturalism

Friday, 09 March 2018 10:27

Christian values v multiculturalism

Tim Dieppe of Christian Concern has written an in-depth article defining ‘multiculturalism’ and explaining how it is opposed to missionary activity or attempts to morally reform cultures, and therefore opposed to Christianity. He states, ‘From a Christian perspective we can reject the idea that “all cultures are equal”. Every culture proclaims certain values and ethical norms which are in direct conflict with another culture. It makes no sense to say that they are all equal. Is a culture that values free speech equal to one that does not? Is a culture that values women’s rights equal to one that does not? Is a culture that promotes promiscuity and homosexuality equal to one that does not? What about slavery, racism, polygamy, FGM, etc? All these are cultural practices, and they are clearly not equal.’ His article reminds us that our Christian faith glorifies God as superior to any idol or idea, so Christianity is directly opposed to multiculturalism. See also the Europe article below.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 March 2018 10:14

Europe: Judeo-Christian symbols disappear

Silent synagogues are witnesses to the fall of a fundamental branch of European civilisation as they are converted into museums, swimming pools, shopping centres, police stations, and mosques. The stars of David and the kipás are vanishing as Europe's Jews feel unsafe when carrying or wearing symbols of their faith. Recently two men attacked an 8-year-old Jewish boy wearing a yarmulke in a Sarcelles street. It is not an isolated incident, but the ‘new normal’ for French Jews. European elites are preaching cultural relativism and multiculturalism; which is now resulting in attacks on Jews and deChristianisation as historic churches are being demolished. The most recent was flattened in Germany to make room for a coal mine. Religious symbols are an integral part of civilisation. Religion plays a key role in society and in its cohesion. When the old symbols disappear, the new ones - with their own identities - take their place. Is religion being replaced with multiculturalism? See also article 3 in the UK section.

Published in Europe