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Displaying items by tag: monarchy

Thursday, 08 August 2024 22:46

Thailand: most popular political party dissolved

The constitutional court has ordered the dissolution of the Move Forward Party, which won the most parliamentary seats in the 2023 election on an anti-establishment reform agenda. The court ruled that Move Forward was undermining the country’s powerful monarchy through its campaign to amend the lèse-majesté law. It has disbanded the party and banned its executives from politics for ten years. This verdict, which disenfranchises 14 million voters, raises concerns about the erosion of democratic rights in Thailand. Move Forward's leaders vowed to continue their movement despite the dissolution. This decision reflects an ongoing power struggle with the military-backed establishment, which has a history of toppling elected governments. The court's ruling comes amid political turbulence, with another high-profile case pending against the prime minister. Move Forward's dissolution follows the pattern of its predecessor, the Future Forward Party, which was also dissolved by the court, sparking nationwide protests in 2020.

Published in Worldwide

Thailand's constitutional court has ruled that the Move Forward party's campaign promise to amend the strict royal insult law during the 2023 election amounted to an attempt to overthrow the monarchy. The case was initiated by a conservative activist lawyer, who argued that the party's pledge to amend the lèse-majesté law violated Section 49 of the constitution. The nine judges unanimously ruled against Move Forward, stating that its efforts to change the law undermined and weakened the monarchy, posing a significant danger to the state's security. Move Forward was ordered to cease any activities violating Section 49. The party is not being disbanded, but the lawyer has said he might make a new petition asking the election commission to do so. Move Forward's leader warned that the ruling could further make the royal institution increasingly ‘a factor behind conflicts in Thai politics’.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 28 October 2022 12:16

Canada: Quebec ties to King Charles III

On October 26th Canadian parliamentarians voted no to severing ties with the monarchy, after Yves-Francois Blanchet introduced a motion that sparked conversation in the House of Commons about the monarchy. His move follows 14 recently elected Quebec politicians refusing to recite an oath of allegiance to the King as required by Canadian law. Many Quebecers are in favour of Canada being a republic rather than a constitutional monarchy - a sentiment that is tied to the province's history of being a French-speaking region that was once under British colonial rule. Over the years Quebec politicians have continued to put forward policies that seek to define the province as distinct from English Canada. When tabling his motion Mr Blanchet said Canada's tie to the British Crown is ‘archaic.’ Opinion polls following Queen Elizabeth’s death found 79% of Quebec agreed they should sever their ties with the Crown.

Published in Worldwide
Monday, 12 September 2022 06:57

Mourning the Loss of Our Servant Queen

With the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday 8 September, we invite you to pray for The Royal Family, the Government and the Church.

As a family of nations, we have received messages of support and love from around The Commonwealth:

From our friends in the Caribbean: “May the changing and transitioning of ‘the guards’ be a smooth one to bring about God’s great purpose for your nation.”

“Condolences and love from Aotearoa New Zealand. This monarch held the Commonwealth together with a depth of love experienced by all who met her. May our God move to protect what she achieved through His leading and guiding and pass it on to our King.”

“We from the South Pacific Islands join you our Commonwealth & UK family in this great mourning (tangi) season as we all release such a beautiful beloved Queen Elizabeth II back to the King Jesus Christ. She wasn’t just an amazing beloved Queen. She was also a mother to Commonwealth, UK & Nations.”

Join us praying for:

The Royal Family and the monarchy. Pray particularly for King Charles III as he considers the impact of the death of His mother. This is a remarkable moment for His Majesty, King Charles III and as the body of Christ, let us stand together and pray that he will be open to the leading and guiding of Holy Spirit. In this time of national mourning, we pray for The Royal Family themselves. That they will be able to find space for their private mourning as each of them come to terms with the loss of the head of their family. I think we can be certain that it was the Queen’s desire for unity in her family, so may this be a time when differences are put aside and family relationships are restored.

The Government led by the newly sworn-in Prime Minister, Liz Truss. We pray for great wisdom at this time, for an understanding and an ability to do what needs to be done and as the nation mourns, that the new Government has a capacity to comprehend the depth of feeling in the nation at the same time as the need to govern with compassion. We pray great grace upon the new Cabinet.

Finally, The Church (the Bride of Christ). May She understand more of the signs of the times in which we are living, to keep vigilant in prayer as the nation mourns, the monarchy transitions and the new Government becomes established. We pray for Archbishop Justin Welby as he considers what to say and how he will conduct the state funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We pray that in all of these circumstances God will receive the glory and the honour.


God bless you.
The World Prayer Centre Team

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 11 March 2021 21:04

Monarchy complaints and claims

Four days before an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle was claimed by unidentified sources to have bullied three personal assistants. The royal household launched an investigation, and will speak to current and former staff. See Since the interview, front pages and TV screens everywhere have commented on the ‘royals in crisis’ over mixed-race skin colour comments, family dysfunction and no emotional support for Markle’s mental health struggles. The senior royals released a statement asserting that while some recollections of incidents may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. They confirmed that ‘Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members’.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 22 October 2020 22:38

Prayer for government and monarchy

The following is based on a prayer by Passion for the Nation. ‘Father, we ask for a fresh alignment of the words and thoughts of our leaders, local and national, with Your will, that in these days, ancient divisions from nation to nation, or region to region, will decrease, and necessary changes will take place. Please release healing into the North / South divide. We ask forgiveness for the words that have been spoken from offence, fear or anger, and we ask for a spirit of reconciliation, that longstanding wounds caused by political decisions or inequalities of lifestyle will not be exacerbated by current issues. Now Lord, we thank You for the life of our Queen, Elizabeth II, and her heart for You and her people and for the wisdom, righteousness and integrity reflected in her life. In this pandemic season we ask for your protection, strength and health for her and Prince Philip and for other members of the royal family.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 January 2020 21:11

Prayer for the royal family

Lord, we thank You for the life of Queen Elizabeth II, and celebrate her heart for You and her people, the wisdom, righteousness and integrity reflected in her life, and the respect she carries within this land. We decree that every change taking place at present will strengthen and support the monarchy, promoting and releasing a shift and moving forward in keeping with Your times and purposes. In this season of transition, we speak divine order into every aspect of the royal family. We release Your light into every place of confusion and misunderstanding, that wounds will be healed, relationships restored and solutions released. We speak life into every God-given purpose and call upon Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex, that every gift and skill will be used in alignment with God-given destiny. We agree that the power of Kingdom purpose will overwhelm any plans of the enemy.

(Suzanne Ferrett)

Published in British Isles