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Displaying items by tag: military government

Thursday, 16 November 2023 21:51

Myanmar: intense attacks from opposition forces

Myanmar's military has acknowledged facing intense attacks from anti-coup forces, who claim to have seized several towns and military outposts in various states. The military is responding with drone bomb attacks and has evacuated some sites. The military mounted a coup d’etat in February 2021, overthrowing the government led by Aung San Suu Kyi. This led to widespread protests and subsequent violent military crackdowns, resulting in civilian armed resistance. Over 4,000 civilians have been killed in the conflict, and more than 200,000 displaced. The UN has expressed deep concern over the expanding conflict and Rohingya genocide. Although the generals claim to be the unifying force of the country, they have largely ignored ASEAN efforts for peace, and Myanmar is barred from ASEAN's top summits due to non-compliance with a previous agreement to end violence.

Published in Worldwide

More than 5,600 civilians have been killed in Myanmar since the military seized power on 1 February 2021, according to an independent research institute, which called the death toll ‘unprecedented’ in the country’s history. This number includes those killed by security forces during anti-junta protests, in clashes between the military and pro-democracy paramilitaries, while held in detention, and in revenge attacks. At least 1,831 civilians were killed in shooting deaths; the largest number occurred in war-torn Sagaing region, where junta troops have faced tough resistance from the People’s Defence Force (PDF) paramilitaries. The clashes have displaced tens of thousands of residents since the coup. A PDF member claimed that those who report paramilitary movements to the military have been targeted because the opposition is ‘handicapped in manpower and weapons’.

Published in Worldwide