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Displaying items by tag: malnutrition

Thursday, 09 June 2022 22:42

Somalia: drought, famine, malnutrition

On 31 May the UN's top humanitarian official for the Horn of Africa predicted a devastating outlook for millions of Somalis, amid worsening famine. Before the end of 2022, 7.1 million people will be affected by drought and famine. He said that 1.4 million children face acute malnutrition, and 330,000 are likely to become severely malnourished. Currently 6.1 million Somalis are affected by this drought emergency. Of that number, 771,400 (mostly women and children) have been displaced from their homes in search of water, food and pasture. The outlook has worsened due to the prospects of a fifth consecutive failed rainy season. Pray for God to strengthen and empower all who are providing aid to the hundreds of thousands experiencing acute food insecurity. Pray for medics and medication to be released to those experiencing severe malnutrition and acute watery diarrhoea. Pray for those mourning the deaths of loved ones.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 October 2021 09:54

Ethiopia: unprecedented malnutrition

The UN warned of ‘unprecedented’ malnutrition among women and children as fears of mass starvation grow in Ethiopia’s embattled Tigray region. Ethiopia has expelled seven senior UN officials, including the head of UNICEF, for ‘meddling’ in its affairs. They suspended the operations of Doctors Without Borders and the Norwegian Refugee Committee, accusing them of spreading ‘misinformation’ about the war. Last November the prime minister sent troops to topple the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) in response to its attacks on army camps. UN aid chief Martin Griffiths reported a three-month ‘de facto blockade’, restricting aid to 10% of what is needed for six million people. 400,000 people have ‘crossed the threshold into famine’. Federal officials blame TPLF for obstructing deliveries, but the US State Department said access to essential supplies and services was ‘being denied by the Ethiopian government’ and there were ‘indications of a siege’.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 27 April 2018 00:21

Niger: ministry through medicine

Statistics state that on average every woman in Niger has 7.5 children, and almost 50% of these are currently under five and malnourished. Over 1.5 million people were affected by food insecurity last year, and millions more experience food shortage during every lean season. A Christian Aid ministry partner established a medical clinic for children and maternity services. Their work is reaching eleven villages and providing nutrition and immunisations to around 450,000 people. Another major project conducted by the ministry is sharing the hope of Christ and planting churches. Currently only about 1% of the population is Christian, but addressing people’s physical needs opens doors to minister. As the people see how loving and kind the ministry workers are, they listen to the Gospel truth and are told how much Jesus loves them. Workers are ambassadors in Christ at all times, in all situations.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 15 September 2017 09:16

Venezuela: food shortages and poverty

Despite being an oil-rich country, Venezuela has record levels of child malnutrition as it experiences severe shortages of food and an inflation rate of over 700%. The crippling economic crisis means that eating meat is a luxury for many, but the government believes it has the answer with a plan to breed and consume rabbits - ‘because rabbits breed like rabbits’, as President Maduro joked on state television when introducing the idea. A recent survey showed that nearly 75% of the population lost an average 19 pounds in weight from lack of proper nutrition because of poverty. Maduro said people needed to understand that the rabbit is not just a pet, it is 2.5 kilos of meat with high protein and no cholesterol. The IMF said voracious inflation will climb to 720% this year. Poor Venezuelans spend 10% of their income to buy a kilo of meat. See also

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