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Displaying items by tag: living in love and faith group

Members of the Church of England’s Living in Love and Faith (LLF) initiative are set to convene for discussions in a Leicester hotel, as part of ongoing efforts to address divisions within the church regarding human sexuality and related practices. This gathering precedes a crucial July meeting of the General Synod where proposals will be presented. Led by the Bishop of Leicester, Rt Revd Martyn Snow, and assisted by a program board, the groups will deliberate over three days. Upcoming meetings by the House of Bishops will determine recommendations for the College of Bishops in June. Discussions will include the use of the Prayers of Love and Faith in stand-alone services, a proposal narrowly approved by the Synod last November. Additionally, new pastoral guidance is anticipated to permit clergy and lay ministers in same-sex civil marriages, reflecting a shift in bishops’ opinions. Another group will explore provisions for those opposing these changes. The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) has called for ‘prayers for a harmonious resolution that respects orthodox beliefs’. See

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