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Displaying items by tag: lack of vision

Thursday, 19 July 2018 23:14

A new Reformation?

Churches are closing but small groups of believers meeting to study the Bible and to pray are multiplying. Clifford Hill writes, ‘I’ve been looking at the reasons why some people leave their church. A variety of reasons are given. Unhappiness at the introduction of different worship styles, change of leadership; but by far the most quoted reason is unhappiness with the teaching, or with unbiblical practices being introduced. Many leaving their churches are mature Bible-believing Christians dissatisfied either with the lack of sound biblical teaching or that the Gospel is never applied to current issues in the world. This is, by far, the most worrying factor in what is happening in the Church today. It is the lack of a prophetic sense of mission. When the church loses its prophetic mission of declaring the Word of God, it loses vision and dynamic, and slumps into a routine form of religion.’ For the full article, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles