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Displaying items by tag: international peace

Friday, 07 July 2017 14:51

North Korean missiles, Trump, and the G20

Donald Trump ordered a ballistic missile drill with South Korea on 5 July, firing missiles north in response to North Korea's launching a test ballistic missile, which could reach Alaska, the previous day. At the G20 summit in Hamburg, Trump will come face-to-face with his Chinese and Russian counterparts following their recent joint statement on North Korea. In it they vowed to work together on a diplomatic solution to Pyongyang's nuclear threat. Onlookers are wondering if Mr Trump will personally repeat his recent tweet which attacked China's trade with North Korea and questioned Beijing's loyalties. The US secretary of state said the missile test escalated the threat to the USA, the region, and the world; Trump said he is 'prepared to retaliate against North Korea ALONE'.

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