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Displaying items by tag: informed voting

Friday, 19 May 2017 12:56

How did your MP vote?

engaGE17 has launched a database of MP voting records on key concerns. People just need to type in their postcode to find out how their MP voted on crucial issues relating to life, family and justice in the last parliament. It’s a really quick and easy way for Christians to engage in the General Election on 8th June. The issues featuring in this database are highly likely to be debated again in the next parliament; many are matters of conscience and subject to a free vote. engaGE17 is also encouraging people to use this data to ask questions of their candidates at upcoming hustings and to those out canvassing in the community. They have developed a ‘Questions for Candidates’ booklet and key policy briefings to help people discover where their candidates stand, plus a range of other resources. See also:

Published in British Isles