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Displaying items by tag: houses for sale

The UK housing market currently has £230bn worth of homes for sale, the highest supply in eight years, keeping house prices stable for the rest of 2024. According to Zoopla, the supply of homes for sale is 20% higher than last year, with the average estate agent handling 31 homes - the highest level in eight years. Richard Donnell, Zoopla's executive director, said the increased supply reflects renewed homeowner confidence, leading to a rise in house prices as more sales are agreed upon. Sales have increased by 13% year-on-year, with a third of homes for sale having been marketed in 2023. The surge in supply is due to more three- and four-bedroom homes returning to the market as owners feel confident to move despite rising mortgage rates. The upcoming general election in July is not expected to impact the property market significantly, with 392,000 homes in the sales pipeline. Experts say that serious buyers and sellers should price their homes realistically to achieve sales despite election uncertainties.

Published in British Isles