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Displaying items by tag: food standards

Thursday, 12 December 2019 23:41

Chemists demand clarity on cannabis-related goods

Cannabidiol (CBD) is not marketed as medicinal cannabis. It does nott have a psychoactive element, and some studies indicate that it helps to control childhood epilepsy. Other people think it helps them too. Non-medicinal CBD is now on sale in High Street shops and chemists. Pharmacists are calling for better regulation of products supposed to contain CBD, saying that there needs to be clearer information and better checks on content. Currently, customers buying such products have no guarantees that they are safe, or even if they contain CBD oil at all. The oil is being added to water, chocolate, make-up, tea and coffee. It is illegal to print health claims on these products, but it is a grey area as to who checks the ingredients, or the amount of CBD oil actually in each item, many of which can be very expensive. UK sales are currently £300m.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 February 2019 09:50

NFU: British food production

National Farmers Union (NFU) president Minette Batters stated at their 2019 conference that the Government needs to convene a new commission of food and farming experts to establish the principles to maintain British food production standards post-Brexit. Mrs Batter wants this commission to ensure that food imports will have the same high standards as the ones British farmers adhere to, and trade deals will be scrutinised by Parliament and industry. Crucially, there must be a commitment that the Government will act on these recommendations. The NFU also has ambitious plans to tackle greenhouse gas emissions and for British farming to aim to achieve net zero by 2040 by investing in incentivising carbon capture from the atmosphere and biofuels to power carbon capture storage systems. See

Published in British Isles