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Displaying items by tag: expansion

Thursday, 11 January 2024 21:35

Biggest expansion of UK nuclear power for 70 years

The Government has revealed plans for the largest expansion of nuclear power in 70 years, aiming to reduce electricity costs, create jobs, and enhance energy security. By 2050 the UK will quadruple its nuclear generation capacity to 24 gigawatts (GW), equivalent to a quarter of the country's electricity needs. This includes exploring the construction of a GW-scale power plant and investing £300 million in advanced nuclear fuel production, reducing reliance on Russian sources. There are plans to secure 3-7GW of investment decisions every five years from 2030 to 2044 for new nuclear projects. Small modular reactors (SMRs) will play a crucial role in this expansion. The Government also seeks to streamline the development of new power stations and introduce smarter regulations to accelerate nuclear projects while maintaining safety standards. The nuclear sector could provide direct heat for industry, energy for green hydrogen production, and medical isotopes for cancer diagnosis and treatment. The expansion is expected to create around 80,000 skilled jobs in the civil and defence nuclear workforces.

Published in British Isles