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Displaying items by tag: encouragement

Thursday, 15 July 2021 22:17

South Sudan: churches write to leaders

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Pope Francis, and Church of Scotland moderator Jim Wallace have written to South Sudan's political leaders on the tenth anniversary of its independence. They said that the anniversary calls to mind past struggles and points with hope to the future, and that the nation is blessed with immense potential. They encouraged leaders to make even greater efforts to enable their people to enjoy the full fruits of independence. They also said, ‘When we wrote to you at Christmas, we prayed that you might experience greater trust among yourselves and be more generous in service to your people. Since then, we are glad to see some small progress. Sadly, your people continue to live in fear and uncertainty, and lack confidence that their nation can indeed deliver the “justice, liberty and prosperity” celebrated in your national anthem. Much more needs to be done to shape a nation that reflects God’s kingdom.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 26 March 2020 23:58

Beholding His glory in an unprecedented time

Malcolm Duncan, the key speaker at the recent WPC prayer conference, took 200 intercessors on an encouraging journey of encountering the glory of God. All across the UK churches are being called to prayer as never before. Virtual prayer meetings are taking place as the Holy Spirit raises up an invisible net of prayer, here and in many other nations. Each one of us is part of this! Our prayers for our loved ones, our streets and communities, our nations and their leaders and our world, are part of this. Ask the Lord what He wants you to pray into and follow His leading. Those not at the conference can listen here

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 17 January 2019 22:54

Jordan: Keep on Singing

When worship programme Keep on Singing broadcast a special episode from Jordan, God used it powerfully. The programme showed a new vision of Jordanian Christian identity, and featured worship songs by a band from Karak Evangelical Church. Band member Mawiyah Halasa said they received many calls and messages telling them how large numbers of brothers and sisters who used to come to church had returned to the Lord. Whilst most Christians have relative freedom to practise their faith, converts to Christianity can face serious opposition. Pray that God will protect and bless Jordanian Christians who are under pressure because of their faith. The video has been shared hundreds of times, and viewer comments came both from locals and from those further afield.

Published in Praise Reports