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Displaying items by tag: ecumenical meeting

Italian evangelical Christians have protested against the ‘active and public’ participation of Thomas Schirrmacher, secretary-general of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) in a large ecumenical prayer vigil organised in the Vatican on 30 September. This featured prayers led by the heads of twenty Christian confessions, including Mr Schirrmacher. The Italian Evangelical Alliance (AEI) said, ‘We are confused and disappointed. Once you pray publicly with the Pope, in St. Peter’s Square, in front of a Marian portrait, embracing the message of spiritual unity with liberals and orthodox leaders, your alleged distinction becomes secondary.’ Pope Francis said the event would help to sow unity among Christian confessions. According to the event’s website, he shared ‘personal memories of his ecumenical journey’. The Spanish Evangelical Alliance has also criticised WEA’s participation: see

Published in Europe