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Displaying items by tag: earthquake damage

Thursday, 16 February 2023 22:42

Turkey: 113 arrest warrants

Turkey has issued 113 arrest warrants in connection with the construction of buildings that collapsed in recent earthquakes. Twelve people are in custody, with more arrests expected, but the action is seen by many as an attempt to divert overall blame for the disaster. For years, experts warned that many new buildings in Turkey were unsafe due to endemic corruption and government policies that allowed so-called amnesties for contractors who swerved building regulations, in order to encourage a construction boom - including in earthquake-prone regions. With elections looming Erdogan’s future is on the line after spending 20 years in power. He has admitted shortcomings but, during one visit to a disaster zone, he appeared to blame fate, saying, ‘Such things have always happened. It is part of destiny's plan’. Modern construction techniques should mean that buildings can withstand quakes of this magnitude, and regulations following previous Turkey disasters were supposed to ensure these protections were built in. See also

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