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Displaying items by tag: dreams and visions

Thursday, 07 January 2021 21:02

Jesus is for real

Her atheist parents were surprised when three-year-old Akiane began describing dreams and visions from God. She spent her early years in rural Illinois. No money, no friends, no television or radio, no babysitters - a quiet simple life. She spoke of colourful dreams and visions about heaven, Jesus, and God’s amazing love. Her parents realiszed her focus on God was not inspired by anything in the isolated world they lived in. Akiane had supernatural encounters with the living God and expressed them through her gift of art. ‘Nobody told me who God was; I found Him myself. He’s been there for me through the years. I don’t belong to any denomination or religion. I belong to God.’ As Akiane has got older, some early dreams and visions have faded. ‘Although I have forgotten most of my early heavenly contacts, my recent visions continue in a special way’, she says. ‘I alone know how important Jesus is for me.’

Published in Praise Reports

Yassine, a Muslim boy, had recurring dreams of a bright light and a voice saying, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ He said, ‘This was not a normal dream to me because I had never heard this phrase before. I had no idea it was from the Bible.’ Several years later, when he was given a Bible and started to read it, he found the same words. So he looked for a church - a daring step in a country that is 99% Muslim. ‘I went to church and learned more about Jesus and Christianity. I soon truly knew that Jesus was the person in my dreams.’ To read his testimony of his walk towards mission work, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 01 September 2017 10:10

Hajj and Turkish Muslims

Many have been praying that God would give dreams of Himself to Turkish Muslims even while they are persecuting Christians. We can praise God that He is winning hearts in hard places: Turkish Muslims are having Christian dreams, visions and healings. Pray for God to continue to draw Muslims to Himself as they seek forgiveness during Hajj (which ends on 1 September), and to speak to them in the weeks following as they reflect on their pilgrimage. See:

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