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Displaying items by tag: dignity

Friday, 09 February 2018 09:57

Assisted dying debate continues

Noel Conway has motor-neurone disease and has taken his case for a medically-assisted death to appeal. He is supported by Dignity in Dying, the campaign group for legalising assisted suicide. They say Noel should have the option of an assisted death and be able to die with dignity. ‘Dignity’ is being used in this debate to mean ‘freedom to choose how and when to end your life medically’. Traditionally, it means recognising and conferring value on a person. Noel’s condition prompts compassion, as did Tony Nicklinson and Debbie Purdy, who also fought to have medically-assisted deaths. But linking dignity with assisted dying sends the wrong message. Dignity means deserving honour or respect, but this use of the word means something different. If we let ‘dignity’ be hijacked to mean choice and independence, we will add to the sufferings of those at the end of life.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 June 2017 11:18

Pakistan: Christian sanitation worker dies

Irfan Masih, a Christian sanitation worker, died at a hospital in Sindh on 1 June after he was refused treatment by the duty doctors. Sanitation jobs are considered 'unclean' and are often reserved for religious minorities. He fell unconscious after inhaling toxic fumes from a manhole he was cleaning without using protective equipment. When he arrived at the hospital he was covered in sludge. The doctors refused to treat him because he was unclean, and asked family members to clean his body first. Then the oxygen cylinder which was ordered was found to be empty, and before another could be delivered, Mr Masih died. The Christian community in Pakistan faces widespread institutional discrimination in religious, societal, economic and political spheres. Many Christians are employed in ‘unclean’ occupations, and employers have been accused of allowing them to work in highly dangerous conditions with little or no protective gear. Three hospital employees and three employees of the local municipal committee have been arrested. The staff allege that Mr Masih was already dead when he was brought to the hospital.

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