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Displaying items by tag: definition of extremism

Justin Welby and Stephen Cottrell have expressed concerns over Michael Gove's plans to redefine extremism, warning that the redefinition could mistakenly target innocent individuals, exacerbating division and infringing on freedoms of speech and worship. Welby said that extremism is a shifting problem across all faiths, posing significant dangers, including the rise of antisemitism and Islamophobia. He stressed the importance of involving diverse groups in defining extremism, cautioning against a government-only approach. The current definition of extremism includes opposition to fundamental British values like democracy and mutual respect for different faiths. The archbishops are concerned that Gove's forthcoming redefinition may disproportionately affect Muslim communities, increasing hate and abuse. They urged broader consultation and offered the CofE's assistance in facilitating community discussions. In response, the Government reiterated plans to appoint an independent adviser on anti-Muslim hatred.

Published in British Isles