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Displaying items by tag: data breach

Thursday, 17 August 2023 21:40

Northern Ireland: police data breach update

Last week you prayed for the police to have adequate support and protection after their names, rank, grade, location and unit were made available online to the public accidently. This week the chairman of the PSNI Catholic Guild has called for an urgent meeting with Chief Constable Byrne over fears that the breach will put Catholics off joining the force. A number of groups are claiming they have access to the leaked information, prompting greater safety concerns. Many Catholic members of the force have genuine concerns over safety for themselves and in many cases their family members. Mr Murray said, ‘Our guild was formed to provide a support service for Catholic police, and it is hard to think of a more pressing issue for Catholic officers and staff than this data breach’. Pray for ongoing protection for Catholic police and their families. Pray for those in receipt of the leaked data to be prevented from using it.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 September 2021 22:03

Two data breaches imperil Afghans

Two defence ministry blunders in one week have put Afghan lives at risk. The UK said not everyone eligible for relocation could be evacuated before forces left Afghanistan, but the Ministry of Defence (MoD) would help those left behind to leave. The first data breach was an email containing addresses of 250 Afghan interpreters mistakenly copied by the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy team (ARAP) pledging assistance with their relocation to the UK. Some of the addresses showed people’s names and associated profile pictures. The mistake could cost lives. Following that error, officials sent another message 30 minutes later advising the recipients to change their email addresses. The second blunder saw MoD officials mistakenly copy 55 people into an email, making their details visible to all recipients. The defence secretary instigated an investigation into data handling, and one official has been suspended pending an outcome.

Published in British Isles