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Displaying items by tag: created for a purpose

Friday, 15 December 2017 12:07

Created for a purpose

God has a purpose for each one of us, something unique that He calls us to respond to. Dallas Derksen thought he already had his plan, but then realised that the Lord had another path for him and his family. He faithfully followed God’s calling, and is now leading the MAF team in Mongolia, a vast and beautiful land that is difficult to travel in, with extremely cold and turbulent winters. MAF light aircraft support the work of a small but growing Church, development agencies and government bodies across Mongolia. They provide inflight patient care, training for local doctors, and enable NGOs such as Reaching the Light to offer physical, speech and education therapy to children. Dallas says, ‘Our plane also becomes an air ambulance as we carry out many emergency airlifts for the sick and injured.’

Published in Praise Reports