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Displaying items by tag: conservative defection

Sir Keir Starmer’s decision to welcome Tory MP Natalie Elphicke's defection to Labour has stirred mixed reactions among Labour MPs. Elphicke, previously a Conservative representative for Dover, made the unexpected switch, causing some Labour members to express confusion and dismay, despite leadership viewing it as a significant coup. Critics within the party, including Canterbury MP Rosie Duffield, find Elphicke’s switch puzzling, given her past criticisms of Labour’s policies and her controversial defence of her ex-husband, Charlie Elphicke, following his sexual assault conviction. The defection, happening just before Prime Minister's Questions, has complicated matters for Labour, already has candidates in Elphicke's constituency. (In practice, Mrs Elphicke will not contest the Dover election, as she plans to leave the Commons). Despite the internal discord and criticism from the Conservative side, labelling Elphicke as opportunistic, Sir Keir emphasises the broader strategic advantage of attracting former Conservative voters to Labour. This move, however, remains contentious among both Labour and Conservative members.

Published in British Isles