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Displaying items by tag: civilian suffering

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 16:35

Pray for Yemen

Yemen has been undergoing a major civil war over the past three years. Cities are continuing to be bombed and the infrastructure is collapsing. The media reports that over 10,000 people have been killed with three million displaced from their homes. There is severe famine in parts of the country. Its few oil fields are not producing. Cholera is epidemic, the currency is collapsing, prices are soaring, and many in the public sector haven’t been paid in over a year. There is also fear that school age boys will be recruited to fight for the Houthis who control large areas of the country.

7 Key Areas for Prayer for Yemen:

Please pray for the peace and the rebuilding of Yemen in these seven key areas:

Hunger: The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is severe as many are starving or on the verge of having nothing to eat. Malnutrition and infant mortality is becoming normal. Pray that food will be sent and arrive to those who must have it to survive. Pray that ships, airplanes and trucks will be given permission to bring an abundance of food and supplies. Pray that those who seek to exploit others due to high prices will be led by God to put aside greed and help the many who are battling poverty.

Cholera: Yemen currently has one of the world’s largest epidemics of cholera. Pray that this illness will not spread, that medicines to help those suffering will become available, and that people suffering from it will get well. Pray that garbage will be picked up, that there will be fuel to boil water, and that the people will have clean food and water.

Bombings: Pray that those who are fighting one another will put aside their differences and go to the negotiating table. Pray that they will agree to work together for peace. Pray for the violence to cease!

Infrastructure: Roads, houses, schools, factories, oil fields, and hospitals have been destroyed. Pray that the generosity of others will flood this nation. Pray that peace will come so that rebuilding can begin.

Displaced people: There are three million displaced people in areas of the country which are relatively peaceful. Displaced families have moved there. Pray for those who are hosting them that they will have enough to meet their own needs as well as the needs of others. Pray for peace to remain in these areas. Pray that the displaced people will be able to return to their homes.

Trauma: Three years of war have created a nation of people who have buried family, been injured physically, and have suffered extreme mental trauma. Pray over them the words about Jesus in Isaiah 61:1 – “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.”

Yemeni believers: Thank God for brothers and sisters in Christ who continue to be a witness in Yemen. Praise Him for bringing many Yemenis to Himself! Pray that God will provide for their needs during this time of war and economic disaster. Pray that their numbers will increase and that they would be able to worship together. Pray that they would be mobilized to serve their communities and be a light that shines brightly in the darkness of this war. In addition, Yemeni believers suffer extreme persecution according Open Doors which has ranked Yemen as the ninth most difficult place to be a Christian on its 2017 Open Doors World Watch List. So not only is there a physical war, but a spiritual one as well. Pray that the believers would wear the full armor of God and stand strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might (Ephesians 6:10,11), serving and loving each other and their neighbors for Christ’s glory in Yemen.

On the PTAP web site, you can also find a word.doc version of this and also a powerful PowerPoint about what is going on in Yemen. http://www.pray-ap.info/yemen.html

WHO article about the relief efforts

Friday, 17 November 2017 10:19

Yemen: civilians suffer from blockade

A Saudi-led coalition backing Yemen's government will not allow rebel-controlled air and sea ports to reopen until a better system is created to prevent weapons being smuggled from Iran. The coalition tightened its two-year blockade after a ballistic missile was fired at Riyadh airport. Iran denied arming Houthi rebels, and said the missile launch was ‘an independent action’ in response to coalition ‘aggression’. 2,000+ have died since April from cholera, and 3,500 cases are being treated daily. The blockade will undo efforts to curtail its spread. 27,000 children a month are treated for severe and acute malnutrition. With no aid deliveries, nutrition supplies will run out within two months, affecting the treatment of 400,000 children over the coming year. The children will bear the scars of this conflict long into the future. Civilians are the only people paying the price for political wrangling.

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