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Displaying items by tag: cholera

The world’s oral cholera vaccine stockpile has run dry, while at least 16 countries face outbreaks. Africa experiences a disproportionately high cholera mortality rate; in three countries the number of cases quadrupled in one year, and 1,600 died. Manufacturers have already allocated upcoming vaccine doses elsewhere until mid-March, with growing demand surpassing supply. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is calling for more manufacturers, and more technical support to help them. The shortage leaves communities unprotected, heightening the risk of preventable cholera deaths. This scarcity echoes past challenges, for example when a temporary one-dose vaccination measure was adopted in 2022. The current outbreaks are exacerbated by humanitarian crises and environmental factors like droughts, floods, and inadequate public infrastructure.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 October 2022 20:29

Haiti asks for military help to curb chaos

Haiti is in such a bad political, economic and security crisis that the USA has urged its citizens to leave the country. The government authorised prime minister Henry to ask the world for military help to stop gangs paralysing the country and causing a major humanitarian disaster. Powerful gangs have blocked the country's main fuel terminal since September, crippling basic water and food supplies. It is not clear to whom the request for intervention has been sent, and in what form the help would be given. The UN said, ‘We remain extremely concerned about the security situation in Haiti and the impact it is having on the Haitian people and on our ability to do our work, especially in the humanitarian sphere.’ Eight people died recently from cholera, raising concerns of a potential health crisis. Pray for the USA to act on Haiti’s previous request for a humanitarian corridor to restore fuel distribution.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 28 July 2022 22:08

China: Christians, Covid, and cholera

Chinese officials locked down a popular resort city after 450 Covid-19 cases emerged, causing over 2,000 tourists to be stranded as the city conducts mass testing. China’s ‘zero-Covid’ policy puts immense pressure on regional leaders to eliminate the virus. Wuhan also has a lockdown over a case of cholera. Bibles for China’s Kurt Rovenstine said it was a local official who restricted travel. That incited some panic. Rovenstine said that churches and schools suffer the worst from lockdowns. One parent said her son could only attend school six weeks out of the seventeen in the semester. Churches can’t meet to offer the Lord’s Supper, and people can’t go to church to receive a Bible. There are many requests for Bibles around China. Despite the challenges, Christians throughout China remain committed to growing in Jesus. They want to share His story with their neighbours.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 28 March 2019 23:31

Cyclone Idai: race against time

According to the UN, Idai could be the southern hemisphere’s worst-ever disaster. Over 2.6 million people have been affected. Pray for all those coping with stress, grief and loss. Zimbabwe was already in a food crisis; now most crops are washed away. There will be no harvest. Pray for adequate food aid. There is a desperate need for clean drinking water, especially in the ‘difficult to reach’ areas. Cholera has been reported in Beira, still struggling to provide clean water and sanitation. WHO is dispatching 900,000 doses of oral cholera vaccine to affected areas later this week. Pray that these supplies would be enough to halt the spread. Pray also for effective distribution of rehydration salts and adequate intravenous drips. Other waterborne diseases like typhoid and malaria also pose a risk. Pray for adequate healthcare to prevent all types of disease spreading.

Published in Worldwide