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Displaying items by tag: child protection

The UK's Online Safety Act, signed into law last week, introduces new rules aimed at protecting children online. Ofcom has unveiled its first draft codes of practice under the act, focusing on illegal material such as grooming content, fraud, and child sexual abuse. The rules include limiting direct messages and removing them from suggested friend lists to protect children. Tech platforms will be legally required to keep children's location data private and restrict who can send direct messages to them. Ofcom will publish more rules in the coming months, with each new code requiring parliamentary approval. The goal is to enforce the codes by the end of next year. The act also encourages the use of technology to identify illegal images of abuse and prevent their dissemination.

Published in British Isles

Amnesty International, in a new report called They Are Girls Not Mothers, found draconian abortion laws and systemic failure to tackle child sexual violence have forced girls as young as ten years old to carry out full-term pregnancies. The report focuses on sexual violence against children - specifically girls under the age of 14 - who become pregnant and are forced to carry the pregnancy to term. It also analyses the failures of the system in Paraguay to address cases of sexual violence against children and teenagers. Amnesty International said Paraguay is turning its back on girls and teenagers facing unimaginable abuses. Although on paper there is a legal framework to support survivors of sexual violence, in practice they are at the mercy of a chaotic system that does not listen to them or prioritise their well-being. Forcing someone to continue with a pregnancy, particularly when it is the result of rape, can be considered torture.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 17 June 2021 21:49

Care services review

Child protection services in England do not provide enough early support, says an independent review. With council budgets squeezed over the last ten years, spending has increasingly focussed on expensive crisis services which local authorities are legally required to provide. This means that cuts to early support for vulnerable families have dwindled, causing even larger needs for investigative interventions in ‘crisis’ situations. The current system is unsustainable and failing young people. Over the last three months, the review team spoke to over 1,000 young people, families and staff working in children's services. They found a system under significant strain with an increasing number of families being investigated. Deprivation was a key factor among families needing help. Many asking for support found assessments and investigations added to their stress. The annual number of inquiries into whether a child is at risk of significant harm has risen to 201,000. But 135,000 needed no child protection plan. Concerns about risk have unnecessarily dominated workloads.

Published in British Isles