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Displaying items by tag: cea

Tuesday, 21 February 2017 15:32

Join the Christian Enquiry Agency prayer team

Each week the Christian Enquiry Agency (CEA) receives prayer requests from people of all ages and circumstances in life. Could you join the CEA e-mail prayer team?

CEA coordinator Peter Graystone says: ‘Some people ask us to pray in heartbreaking circumstances. Some know so little about Christianity that they barely know what to ask. Some just want to type an anonymous insult. But we have been astonished at what people who would never go through the door of a church, share of their lives from the safety of their computer.’

Enquiries and prayer requests come to the Christian Enquiry Agency mainly from people who visit the website www.christianity.org.uk - 1,000 people visit the site each week.

The Christian Enquiry Agency prayer team receives weekly emails, which pass on the prayer requests from people who visit Christianity.org.uk. (Names are disguised for privacy.) If you would like to join the Christian Enquiry Agency prayer team, please email Peter Graystone: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Find out more at www.christianenquiryagency.co.uk

Published in WPC News