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Displaying items by tag: brave evangelists

Friday, 10 February 2023 00:13

Brave Laos evangelists

A Christian Aid worker in Laos visited persecuted Christians in areas where no one would go. His activities challenged the authorities, and they arrested him for ‘illegal movement of religion’. In prison he feared he would die. Prisoners relieved themselves on the floor, and people died of starvation. But he kept praying and thinking about the ministry’s radio messages of encouragement. He was freed after two months. He was told to stop telling people about Christ, but his faith was irrepressible, and he boldly continued. A Laotian lady heard about Christ through the ministry’s radio broadcasts. Her husband and relatives threatened her constantly for converting, but eventually they all accepted Christ. Her home is now a house church for fifty Christians, and her husband is an elder of the church. Elsewhere police came to shut down a new house church which a pastor was dedicating. He continued the dedication despite their threats.

Published in Praise Reports