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Displaying items by tag: battle

Thursday, 30 August 2018 21:55

Syria: Idlib, the final battle

Syria is preparing to take back the last stronghold, Idlib, and Russia is warning of a terrorist chemical attack. American warships, cruise missile delivery systems, strategic bombers and other hardware arrived in the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf on 27/28 August, and NATO has called for restraint (see ) If violence escalates in Idlib, the two million people in the area will be in grave danger. Militants seem reluctant to lay down their arms, which makes the coming days crucial for the fate of Idlib and all Syria. A Russian press release (see) stated, ‘A military strike against terrorists occupying Idlib will inevitably happen, and Moscow and Ankara see eye to eye here.’ However, Turkey has twelve military outposts in Idlib governorate under an agreement with Russia and Iran for ‘de-escalation zones’, and there are intense diplomatic talks between Ankara and Moscow to prevent a Russian-backed Syrian army invasion. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 August 2017 10:36

Update - NHS worker’s legal battle

Last week we prayed for religious freedom to be protected and upheld in the UK when Victoria Wasteney took her legal case to an Employment Appeal Tribunal. (see: http://www.prayer-alert.net/british-isles-ireland-pa-site/item/9618-christian-nhs-worker-s-legal-battle )  This appeal was refused and she is now taking her case to the European Courts. Victoria's career has been damaged simply for reaching out to a Muslim colleague with whom she had a friendly, positive relationship, and who at the time seemed grateful for her Christian support. The ensuing court cases have not displayed justice. It evidences the increasing hostility towards Christians and Christianity in the UK.

Published in British Isles