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Displaying items by tag: armistice

Thursday, 08 November 2018 23:23

Armistice centenary celebrated

On 11 November 1918, the Armistice was signed, bringing an end to the First World War. Big Ben sounded in Parliament Square to ring in the news as thousands gathered to celebrate, sparking three days of jubilation across Britain. Prime minister Lloyd George told the House of Commons, ‘I hope we may say that thus, this fateful morning, came an end to all wars.’ The national mood was not exclusively joyous. Wounded veterans met the news in silence, reflecting on a victory that had cost so many lives. Over the next two years, 5,000 war memorials were erected in towns and villages, as reminders of the past and warnings to future generations not to repeat the mistakes of history. This year, appropriately, Armistice Day coincides with Remembrance Sunday. The two-minute silence will commence at precisely 11 am, marking exactly 100 years to the second since the war came to an end.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 08 November 2018 13:19

Armistice and Remembrance 2018

This weekend marks the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day – 11 am on 11th day of the 11th month 1918.

It is also the end of the 100 days of prayer and as we continue to pray for peace, hope and reconciliation in our time, in our place and in our world the Archbishop of Canterbury has offered the six R’s of Reconciliation to inspire our praying. This can be downloaded here.

Let’s pray that there will be an ongoing impact from this season, particularly on the streets of our major cities when drugs and knife-crime are destroying lives. As London has been confronted with the challenge of escalated violence on its streets, the Church has come together from different denominations and across all ages to pray and seek the peace of its city. For four consecutive Sundays, over 1000 people prayed together, walking the streets of Haringey, Croydon, Brixton, Peckham, Lewisham and Hackney for the rise of violence to be abated.

Our heavenly Father, we pray that you would grant us wisdom and insight into how we might bring peace to our cities. May the cry of violence not be heard on our streets and homes. May your peace reign in the hearts of our youth as you stir up a revival. Rev Nims Obunge thepeacealliance.org.uk

As services and acts of remembrance take place in almost every village, town, and city and with poignant displays of poppies in public gathering places, let us pray that as we stop to remember the lives lost in wartime and peacetime across our world. Pray that we, His church, will demonstrate and share the truth of Jesus the Prince of Peace to all those we meet.

As people march, as bells are rung across the UK, as beacons are lit, let us pray for God’s continued mercy and protection on our nation, on those who serve in our armed forces, for those in the police and security forces and for God’s people in every place to offer the love and comfort to all in need. https://armistice100.org.uk/


Jane Holloway, National Prayer Director

Published in WPC News