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Displaying items by tag: appeal

Thursday, 15 July 2021 23:31

Christian teacher wins permission to appeal

Kristie Higgs, a Christian pastoral administrator, was sacked for two of her Facebook posts that raised concerns about transgenderism and sex education at her son’s CofE primary school. On 14 July she won the right to appeal her case and will challenge her dismissal at an employment appeal tribunal. She will argue that her dismissal breached her freedom of speech. We can pray that this appeal will successfully raise important issues on the approach currently adopted by tribunals regarding demonstrations and expressions of beliefs. The judge directed that the appeal be listed in ‘Category A’, which means the case will be heard by a full three-member panel because it is complex and raises points of law of public importance.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 November 2020 21:24

Christian sacked for defending marriage

West End star Seyi Omooba is appealing against key decisions in her court case at an employment tribunal in London. She was removed from a lead role in a musical production and dropped by her agents after another actor dug up an old Facebook post where Seyi quoted the Bible and said she believed in real marriage between a man and a woman. The judges decided not to hear expert evidence from a theatre critic and theologian, and then made decisions which that evidence directly contradicted. The appeal was to be heard during the first lockdown, but an online hearing was refused, delaying the case to 2021, even though many other cases have been conducted online. The delay makes it harder for her to be vindicated.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 May 2019 22:34

Former magistrate challenges government

In 2016 Richard Page was sacked as a magistrate and lost his position as a non-executive director at an NHS trust, after saying that it was best for adopted children to be placed in families headed by a mother and father. His barrister has now told an appeal tribunal that judges should not be removed because of political pressures.The case represents a watershed moment in this nation’s history. The tribunal is tasked with ruling on whether HM Courts and Tribunal Service (the symbol of justice and fairness in our nation) can dismiss someone for holding and expressing Christian beliefs - sincere beliefs demonstrable through social science, biology and psychology. Pray for Richard and his family as they cope with this long-drawn-out situation. See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 26 October 2018 00:12

‘Pray for me', says Aasia Bibi

Aasia Bibi, a Christian woman on death row in Pakistan, has urged Christians in the UK to pray for her. The message was conveyed by her husband Ashiq, who has travelled to the UK to highlight her plight. He said to Premier, ‘She told me that the community must remember her in their prayers because this is an international country. I need international pressure for the release of Aasia Bibi.’ He said her incarceration since 2009 has spelt nine years of suffering for the whole family. He added, ‘She always has said that Jesus is her life and she is living in the name of Jesus, and trusting that he will help her.’ For further information about Aasia’s case, see

Published in British Isles