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Displaying items by tag: Zagreb

Thursday, 26 March 2020 23:31

Croatia: earthquake rocks Zagreb

On 22 March a 5.3-magnitude quake, the largest in 140 years, brought panicked residents out into the streets at 6am. The interior minister told people, ‘Keep your distance. Don't gather together. We are facing two serious crises, the earthquake and the epidemic’. Many buildings cracked, with walls and rooftops damaged. Zagreb cathedral and parliament buildings were among the damaged structures. The earthquake prompted residents to flee to holiday homes on the coast: the police closed motorways and set up control points to prevent coronavirus spreading.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 19 March 2020 23:43

Europe: coronavirus and Christian conferences

The Willow Creek 2020 Leadership Conference in Germany started on 27 February with 7,400 attendees, but ended abruptly after one of the speakers contracted coronavirus. The speaker was never present during the event, but was involved with the preparations. Three people who had contact with him have since tested positive for coronavirus. Also an EU prayer meeting due to take place in Zagreb was cancelled due to coronavirus. Pray for the organisers of the many planned 2020 gatherings to make wise decisions due to health and safety issues. Pray also for the plight of homeless refugees as borders and societies close down. See also

Published in Europe