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Displaying items by tag: YMCA

Friday, 09 June 2023 10:15

YMCA: help for youth services

The YMCA will continue its summer activities to entertain and feed young people and children, particularly from struggling families. It wants the Government to invest more in youth projects to avoid crime down the line and help desperate families as the long summer holidays loom. Richard James has urged churches to rally around their communities and offer similar initiatives for the children in their parishes. Experts foresee a difficult summer for families struggling with the cost of living crisis, as children will not receive free school lunches. James has seen a noticeable difference in children's experiences using the YMCA’s summer services in recent years and says it feels as if every year is another challenge. He says, ‘Some boroughs’ budgets have zero pounds per young person per head.’ In 2020, YMCA England reported a billion-pound decline in the amount of funding afforded to youth services by local authorities, with a decline of 69% since 2010. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 May 2020 00:36

YMCA and coronavirus

Its chief executive has said, ‘YMCA’s unique nature is particularly affected by this crisis. Our work stretches across every aspect of the community and throughout people’s lives: whether it is the youth clubs we deliver to thousands of young people, the nursery provision provided to tens of thousands of families, or the health and wellbeing services delivered to the elderly and vulnerable. YMCA supports communities across the country; every hour of every day, through the good and bad times. Our frontline work is significantly disrupted by coronavirus. It is affecting those people who come and go from our services as well as those individuals who depend on it as a lifeline and place to call home. YMCAs are facing a multitude of challenges in keeping our support operational; not least ensuring that our staff and volunteers are safe whilst at work.’

Published in British Isles