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Displaying items by tag: Word of the year

Saturday, 07 January 2017 02:53

Word of the year for 2017

In a topsy-turvy world of surprises, in a perilous world of uncertainty, insecurity and violence, what might be the WORD of the year for 2017? Some have predicted that it could be ’fear’ or possibly ‘hysteria’. Christians must resist this way of thinking. When some of Christ’s frightened disciples woke their sleeping Master as their boat was almost sinking in a storm on the Lake of Galilee, His words to them were, ‘Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ In a moment, He had calmed the storm. (Mark 4:35-41)  For Christians the word of the year for 2017 must be ‘hope’, a hope born out of faith in the midst of uncertainty and danger. (Romans 15:3)

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