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Displaying items by tag: Women

Thursday, 02 September 2021 21:38

Japan: huge army of under-employed ex-housewives

There are many smart, educated women who could drive Japan out of its economic slump to a stunning economic recovery, but the rigid hiring system and male-dominated leadership block women from the best-paid jobs. Japan risks becoming a nation of bored housewives with university degrees. Parliament declared it would significantly increase the number of women in leadership by 2020, but the deadline quietly came and went without getting close to its target. Critics believe the aim had little to do with women thriving at work and more to do with an acute need for workers. The working-age population has been rapidly shrinking since the 1990s. Many women are stuck in part-time or dead-end roles which pay 40% lower than men. Companies are reluctant to have more women in their workforces, but the drive for change could come from international companies hiring graduates with gender equality.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 August 2021 21:29

Afghanistan: lamenting loss of freedoms

Previously midwife Nooria regularly discussed treatments for locals with male doctors at the clinic she works in. But now male and female meetings are prohibited by orders of the Taliban. When she goes out she has to wear a burqa, and a male has to accompany her. Men are not allowed to shave their beards - the Taliban says this is against Islam. Barbers are prohibited from giving foreign-style haircuts. Everyone is frightened. The Taliban have taken up positions in most villages. Locals can't escape them. Armed fighters walk through the streets morning and evening, knocking on doors and demanding food. A group within the Taliban, called Amri bil Marof (order the good), is imposing a two-strike rule. First a warning, second a punishment - public humiliations, prison, beatings, lashes.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 May 2021 20:33

Afghanistan: uncertain future for women

Until 2001 women’s rights in Afghanistan were severely curtailed. Barred from education and work, they were only allowed to leave a house covered head to foot and with a male relative escort. In the last twenty years women have returned to the classroom and workplace and can drive automobiles. Under the Taliban these actions were moral offenses and punished by flogging and stoning. When US troops withdraw many are concerned that the Taliban will roll back any gains women have made. Lawmakers are concerned that Afghanistan may once again become a refuge for extremists, and ‘women in Afghanistan may again be targets of violence’. Pray for lawmakers to refuse to turn back the clock to the previous austere restrictions imposed by the Taliban regime, and for husbands and fathers to stand up for the rights of their wives and daughters. See also

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 14 May 2020 21:22

Palestine: women and coronavirus

A woman leads the fight against coronavirus in the Palestinian territories, while at the same time it has brought more violence and suffering to women. Umm Iyad travels to the northern West Bank to follow up on emergency procedures as part of the efforts to stem the outbreak of coronavirus. She has been heading the village council since 2017, and is now head of the emergency committee. She is also working on a community initiative to cultivate land and grow vegetables to achieve self-sufficiency for the villagers. However, during lockdown, statistics showed social workers across the Palestinian governorates have been dealing with increased victims of domestic violence. 40% of women have been subjected to emotional and mental abuse, and 31% to physical abuse. 60% of the victims have fled their houses, and 21% attempted suicide.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 April 2020 22:08

Yarl's Wood immigration detainees 'terrified'

Women immigration detainees are being sent to Yarl's Wood detention centre despite a confirmed case of coronavirus there. Some women have underlying health conditions and sanitation is poor - only one hand sanitiser in the building and women are issued with one pair of gloves and one mask each with no instructions. ‘Women for Refugee Women’ supports women in the centre and said the decision to continue bringing in new detainees was ‘negligent’ and accused the Home Office of putting lives at risk. One woman in her 40s, who asked to remain anonymous, said detainees continued to move around the centre with no social distancing in communal areas and women had to share rooms. Detainees with health conditions are ‘terrified’ about becoming infected. Staff are not providing updated information and some women have been told there was ‘no need for concern’ the charity said. The Home Office strongly denied the claims.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 January 2020 09:51

Church discourages bias against women

CofE staff are being given ‘unconscious bias training’ in a bid to see an equal gender split across its leadership by 2030. The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, said, 'I certainly think that having women as priests enables different types of conversations that probably wouldn't happen if you're a man. My background as a nurse means people often talk to me in a different way.' The presence of female leaders within the Church has risen in recent years, with the number of women in senior leadership positions doubling between 2012 and 2017. Of the 115 UK bishops within the Anglican Church, currently 25 are women. However the door is still closed for female priests within the Catholic Church.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 02 May 2019 21:38

Turning women’s lives around

Women who have had a brush with the law are turning their lives around by making luxury handmade chocolates at a community interest company called Positive Changes. People with criminal records face barriers to employment - no qualifications, low self-esteem. Grace Chocolates, based in a church hall, is breaking their cycle of re-offending by giving them a job. In twelve months, six volunteers working with women one day a week made 19,000 chocolate truffles. Mary, an ex-drug user, said, ‘I was put on a court order and got involved with Positive Changes. It’s more than just a chocolate-making company. Words cannot easily describe how my life has been turned round 360o. When I started the course I was quiet and withdrawn. But my self-esteem and self-confidence is now sky-high by comparison. Rev Dan Harper said, ‘Positive Changes is freeing ladies to grow into the people that God made: wonderful, worthwhile people capable of love, compassion and hope.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 March 2019 09:28

Sudan: Christian broadcasting

Sudan is among the world’s worst for gender inequality, with many women deprived of their rights. Now, a new SAT-7 Arabic show is offering women a platform for their voices to be heard. Hosted by three female Sudanese presenters, ‘Woman and Mirror’ is giving women hope by letting women view themselves through the mirror of the Bible. Sudan’s gender discrimination begins in childhood. The country has one of the highest rates of female genital mutilation in the world (87%). A quarter of Sudanese girls stop attending school early in secondary education, and can be legally be married at age ten. Soaring inflation, public protests, and a security crackdown under a state of emergency have made life difficult and unsafe for many. Pray for the country’s people. Pray that ‘Woman and Mirror’ will offer guidance and reassurance to women and families in these unstable times.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 March 2017 11:07

UN: women’s economic empowerment

The 61st session of the Commission on the Status of Women, taking place in New York from 13 to 24 March, will focus on 'Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work.’ This session gathers together global leaders, NGOs, private sector actors, UN partners, and activists from around the world, focusing on the status of rights and empowerment of all women and girls. It takes place as the world of work is changing, urged by innovation, globalisation and increasing human mobility. At the same time, it is adversely impacted by climate change, humanitarian crises, rising informality of labour, and economic inequality. For sustainable and healthy economies, the world of work must empower women and remove the persisting inequalities that hold them back from getting on equal footing with men.

Published in Worldwide

“Abortion-industry giant Planned Parenthood “treated women like cattle,” according to a former insider.

The comment came on Tuesday as part of the release of more videos from the pro-life group Live Action, whose president, Lila Rose, is raising various issues about what she calls the “Abortion Corporation” just as Congress is considering transferring some $500 million in taxpayer funds from the abortionists at Planned Parenthood to other community health centers that provide a wide range of health services.

“There is no more room for deception. The record becomes clearer each week that we release a new report: Planned Parenthood’s focus is not women’s health care, but abortion. Planned Parenthood’s business model turns away women seeking options besides abortion and prioritizes the destruction of preborn lives for the sake of profit,” Rose said. “Not only have Live Action’s investigative videos proven it, but Planned Parenthood’s own former employees have said so.

“When lawmakers watch these videos, they should be deeply concerned at the treatment of women at Planned Parenthood. It’s time to redirect Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding to more worthy local health clinics that aren’t in the abortion business but that instead provide holistic health care to women,” she said.

There are two new video testimonials from former Planned Parenthood managers Ramona Trevino and Sue Thayer.

They describe how Planned Parenthood pushed “harder and harder” for more clients, cutting doctor-patient visit times – sometimes in half. As the testimonies reveal, women are “treated like cattle” and “herded through” Planned Parenthood.

Trevino, formerly a Planned Parenthood manager in Sherman, Texas, said:

“Planned Parenthood treated women like cattle.”

“There was no prenatal care, there was nothing we could offer women who were pregnant.”

“You go in with the perception that Planned Parenthood is there to help women in any situation, not just when they’re wanting an abortion. … I really went in believing we were just like a gynecologist, then you realize, as time goes by, that you’re not.”

Thayer, formerly of Planned Parenthood’s business in Storm Lake, Iowa, said:

“Over the years I worked there, the mission statement came down. Up went abortion goals and all the other goals we were required to meet. The nurse practitioner that had been there four days a week was now there two hours a week, but we were still seeing the same amount of clients. It felt wrong.”

“Women were just herded through.”

“It is definitely not someplace that I would want to see my daughters go. I wouldn’t want them to have care like that. I don’t think that’s care; that’s not health care.”

“I anticipate Planned Parenthood will respond as it usually does by denying the findings of this investigation,” said Rose. “We know that Planned Parenthood repeatedly misleads the public, as it did during Live Action’s 2011 child sex trafficking exposé.”

She noted that in January, Live Action released public records that show Planned Parenthood failed to report child sex traffickers to local authorities as it had claimed.

“Planned Parenthood also lied to the New York Times, the Associated Press, and other media outlets about retraining thousands of its staff to identify and report sex traffickers,”
she said. “Instead, a former manager says the sessions were used to train staff how to identify undercover journalists.”



Several videos with this link: http://www.wnd.com/2017/02/planned-parenthood-insider-women-treated-like-cattle/

Pray for the exposure, cut-off of funds and prosecution where possible for these deceitful and murderous Planned Parenthood staff and facilities. Let’s pray that abortion and especially late-term abortion will be ended.

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