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Displaying items by tag: Voices of the Silenced

Friday, 29 June 2018 05:58

‘Voices of the Silenced’ being silenced

The Voices of the Silenced film reminds us that the Christian Gospel has influenced western civilisation to the point that secularists build on its legacy while failing to acknowledge Christian influences. The film suggests if we forget the foundations of our Judeo-Christian culture, new totalitarianisms will replace them. Filmed in over 50 locations, the documentary interviews 15 individuals who are emerging out of homosexual lifestyles and a further 18 commentators on the subject. The film’s trailer states that in the space of a few decades, sexual politics has become a dominant force re-shaping social relationships, reinventing our understanding of ‘equality’ and toppling beliefs that brought Europe and America into the modern era, adding that Christian values and the sexual ethics have been displaced by a new belief in schools, courtrooms and churches. In some UK Churches the film’s screening is causing violent reactions. See also

Published in British Isles

A message from Christian Concern and Christian Legal Centre: ‘Voices of the Silenced tells the story of fifteen people who have moved away from homosexual behaviour, showing that people don’t have to be defined by same-sex attraction. The film was to premiere at a West End cinema on 8 February. But pressure from opponents caused its cancellation - and publicity that opponents hadn’t intended. We issued a press release so that the media knew our side of the story, and filmed a peaceful protest outside the cinema at the time the film was due to be shown, which then received thousands of views on social media. Soon we received media requests. Our team appeared on the BBC and radio stations, and was quoted in newspapers and news websites globally. Finally the film was premiered at an alternative venue. So in God’s providence, the film was shown and received far more attention than we could have expected.’

Published in Praise Reports