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Displaying items by tag: UNAUK

Friday, 12 May 2017 10:52

UK urged to continue to work with UN

The Secretary General of the UN used a London platform to encourage the UK to continue to work with the organisation. Mr Guterres spoke as the United Nations Association (UNA-UK) launched its manifesto for the 2017 general election. The executive director of UNA-UK said, ‘What happens in other countries increasingly matters to our lives. It is time to put foreign policy at the heart of the election and put the UN at the heart of foreign policy. Peace and security, migration, human rights, the environment, the UN, Britain's role in the world - these issues are bigger and more important than party politics. We need to build a cross-party consensus around them. Our manifesto calls on all political parties to commit to placing the UN at the centre of an outward-looking British foreign policy.’

Published in British Isles