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Displaying items by tag: The Chosen

Jonathan Roumie, known for his portrayal of Jesus in 'The Chosen’, views his role as a divine mission, much like the characters in 'The Blues Brothers’. Speaking to CBN News, the New York City-born actor and devout Catholic expressed how he finds it humbling that his portrayal is a top Google image result for Jesus. The 49-year-old actor sees his work as a blend of ministry and entertainment, acknowledging God's guidance in his career. With over 500 million streams, 'The Chosen' has made his face recognisable as Jesus, a responsibility he embraces with humility and a sense of duty. As the fourth season of the series delves into the persecution of Jesus' disciples, Roumie emphasises the importance of being present, both in his portrayal and personal life. He aims to maintain this presence in interactions with fans, acknowledging the fine line between himself and the character he plays. Roumie's mission is to portray Jesus as a real figure of salvation and hope, a role he finds both humbling and profound in its impact.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 20 January 2022 20:34

‘The Chosen’ TV series

Why would an online television series about Jesus be breaking popularity records? It has no big-name stars or producers. The stories are ancient. Are viewers looking for hope amid pandemic uncertainty? Are they bored with working from home and turning to diversions their bosses cannot monitor? Maybe personal connection is driving all this. The episodes portray Jesus’ life with believable dialogue and characters whose genuine, heartfelt emotions - pain, confusion, fear, exhilaration, contentment, awe - help viewers relate these stories to their own struggles and joys. The producers also selected a unique distribution method: free of charge via online streaming. As of now, over 300 million people in over 190 countries have viewed it, and there are translations into fifty languages. A special Christmas 2021 episode was put on in a theatre to run for two days: it ran for 23 days!

Published in Praise Reports